Androbolix 300XL
Originally launched as Androbolix in 2005, and improved to Androblix 300 in 2009; Androbolix 300XL is a next generation testosterone booster represented by taking one of the most powerful formulas on the market and updating it with the latest most cutting-edge science. Powered by a synergistic Quad Spectrum Tribulus blend delivering a minimum 300mg Protodioscin and nearly 650mg Steroidal Saponins, Androbolix 300XL employs the largest and most potent dose of “Trib” on the shelves of any store. Add in a highly refined 200mg 100:1 of Eurycoma Longifolia, this latest version of Androbolix trumps all competitors in the Testosterone Boosting category with special attention to Free Testosterone!
Boosting testosterone levels is an important goal of many supplements. However what’s even more important is the amount of free testosterone (unbound) circulating for use. Also known as ‘bioavailable testosterone’ or BAT, this is sometimes linked to several health indicating factors. Low BAT may be associated with weak sex drive, fatigued & low tone muscles and overall vigor to name a few. This renewed focus on BAT helped forge our most recent installment of Androbolix tagged “Free Testosterone Amplifier”.
With nearly a decade of satisfied customers and proven results under its belt, Androbolix is still putting Science in your gym bag with the introduction of 300XL. Take charge of your body and try Androbolix 300XL today.